Roger’s Bio……

June 1, 1970 : Entered Insurance Industry

                    70 to 72 Group Insurance Rep

                    72 to 81 R & D opening multiple Regional Offices

                    81 Changed profession to licensed agent

BBA Degree in Business & Accounting

CLU A CLU is to the Life Insurance Industry as a CPA is to the Accounting Industry.

ChFC (Chartered Financial Consultant) is similar in nature to a CFP, certified financial planner. ChFC provides comprehensive benefit strategies to assist in accomplishing your financial objectives.

PACE Qualified 30 continuing education hours every two years to assure the public that CLU’s and ChFC’s are current on the latest developments in financial services. State of Virginia minimum requirements to maintain license is 16 hours every two years.

MSFS Master Of Science In Financial Services (Student Status).

Board Registered and Approved sponsor/instructor by the State of Virginia in training and educatng life insurance agents.

Columnist (insurance column) every other month, Shenandoah Valley Business Journal

Past member Estate Planning Council of Richmond, VA (17 years) ● American Business Planning Council (15 years).

Current Member :● First Christian Church ● Society of Financial Service Professionals ● Richmond Association of Insurance & Financial Advisors ● Winchester Association of Insurance & Financial Advisors ● National Association of Insurance & Financial Advisors ● American Family Fitness Center, Richmond, ● VA Gold’s Winchester, VA ● Top of Virginia Regional Chamber

Ambassador: Top of Virginia Regional Chamber

Vietnam Vet Class of 69

AAU International Referee (Amateur Athletic Union ) Roger Ernst holds an American & World Record in the AAU (Powerlifting Division) ● Marketing Director Powerlifting Sport

Thinking Insurance
Life - Health - Disability - Annuities
Long Term Care - Estate Analysis
Executive/Employee Benefit Planning
Retirement Planning Strategies or
Funding a legacy for your children

Call Ernst.....Roger Ernst
Roger L. Ernst, BBA, CLU, ChFC

at the

The Roger L. Ernst Companies

Chesterfield, VA 540-327-6597



   IDEA # 27 | Paying off the
   mortgage early with Cash
   Value Life Insurance.

   IDEA # 46 | Are you aware
   there is a plan other than
   a 401k, and IRA or Sep that will       reduce your taxable income?

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